
Reaction to Fisher

Together with yesterday's NP lecture, my understanding towards perception has changed. I thought that what I see everyday is the world itself. However, as Fisher claimed in the text, the world we perceive is not the world itself. After we perceived images physically from our eyes, it is interpreted and also evaluated in our mind. We are always depending on experiences in the past and our perception is always bothered by stereotypes Since we can not get rid of them, we unconsciously see the world in a selective way and it is always inaccurate. So we see the world as we "want" to see, and this makes us ignore some information. Now that I know I am perceiving the world inaccurately, I have to be critical and see the world clearly. 

In the NP lecture Michael showed us some tricks related to visual perception.
I found some interesting tricks on the Internet:



Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteres are at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a tatol mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.

By the way, I think it is impossible to read the letter"11"as a capital "A" also "15" as a capital"C"(It is about the picture put in the last page of the text). Did anyone succeeded in reading it?

Tricks above is cited from:


Reaction to Barna

This text was about six stumbling blocks in intercultural communication.
The six stumbling blocks are:
  • Assumption of similarities
  • Language Differences
  • Nonverbal Misinterpretations
  • Preconceptions and Stereotypes
  • Tendency to Evaluate
  • High Anxiety
 I agree with all those blocks because I've experienced each of them all in abroad.
For example, as I said in the last class, I was sometimes called 'Chinese' in Italy.
This represents 'Preconceptions and Stereotypes'
I was spoken from several people in Chinese and talked me with lifting their eyes up.
They acted as such because for them, the yellow skinned seemed all Chinese.
We tend to think they are rude but they are not thinking on purpose that we are Chinese.
They simply have no interest in where strangers come from.
To prevent these stereotypes from occurring, we need to remember that we often have
prejudice and stereotypes in perceiving a matter.
We need to ask whether we are not misunderstanding something.


Summer Reading Reaction

For summer reading I chose ‘The Great Gatsby’. The author is an American called F.Scott Fitzgerald. I chose this book only by the impact of the title. I know that this is not a good reason for choosing a book but the title ’The Great’ somewhat made me interest. Also I sometimes hear the name ‘Gatsby’ in my everyday life. For example, the name of the hair wax, which an famous star advertizes is called as such. Moreover, the exam test I attended in ICU this year was about this book.

The story is about the new rich in America of the 1920s. The main character called Nick Carraway moves to an island in NY, where the new rich gathers. In the island he meets a friend from his Yale University Tom Buchanan and his wife Daisy. He also meets the couple’s friend Jordan Baker, who after wards falls in love with Nick. Next door to his house,  there lived a man called Jay Gatsby. He lived in a huge mansion and held gorgeous parties every night there. Gatsby was kept totally in secret and people knew nothing about him so they told rumors. As the story continues it comes to light that Tom had a lover Myrtle Wilson in NY and Daisy used to be in love with Gatsby. The reason why Gatsby held gorgeous parties was that he wanted to attract Daisy’s attention and moreover he wanted to be in love with her again. When Gatsby and Daisy were driving, they run over Myrtle. The car was owned by Gatsby, however the driver was Daisy. Gatsby protects her from saying that he was the driver. George Wilson, who is the husband of Myrtle shoots Gatsby at his mansion and after wards he shoots himself. Nick holds a small funeral for Gatsby and breaks up with Jordan. He leaves the disgusting island, where the people are fascinated by wealth. He realizes that the American dream is vain and only its surface is gorgeous.

The theme of this story is American dream. As I wrote above, the American dream seems gorgeous from outside but its content is empty. Gatsby tried to attract Daisy by his wealth and that plan succeeds. Most of the characters in this story are twisted around by wealth with romance. They are not watching the content of a subject but attracted by the surface or its looks. The desire can’t be thrown away easily as long as one is a human. I assume that the author wanted to tell and make the realize that human are always charmed by the reputation from the world and the appearance of a subject.

My first posting

Hi everyone.

This is my first posting for this blog. I've never used a blog in English so I'm a little bit anxious about it.

My summer was very different from that of last year. Last year, I went to cram school every day and I was taking lectures all through the day. I was studying hard for school entry exams. I don't mean that last summer was boring. I loved those cram schools and people I met there is still my  best friends.

Now that I'm a college student and relieved from all those exam stuffs, I was all free from studies (part from h/w) and went out with my friends. The best memory of this summer was a short trip to Chiba with my club members. We spent a couple of days at the beach and swam there. It is said that the Japanese beach is not so beautiful and that the beach is gray. However, the Kujukurihama beach was much different from that general opinion. The beautiful beach continues for about 66kilometers , so you can't see the end of the beach. Chiba is not so far from Tokyo. We reached there for just 2hours by car so I recommend you to visit there once!

At Kujukurihama beach with club members

We saw the sun rising from the Pacific ocean

Autumn term has just started and I'm excited to start my busy ICU days again. In the ARW class we are going to study about "culture", "communication" and "perception". These topics are very abstract and difficult to grasp its meaning, but they are important facts for understanding foreign cultures. I'm looking forward to studying International Relationship as a major in the future, so I hope I can gain something that helps me understand the subject and something that change my point of view.