

I am very happy to finish presenting my pecha-kucha slides.

Making as much as 20 slides was very difficult because I was struggling with the essay outline itself, 

My topic is "interpretation of bowing". I often thought about changing my topic because the content of the topic is very trivial and because I could not find some reliable sources that can support my topic. However, I decided not to change it since it still sounded interesting to me.

In planning what to say and present in my 20 slides, it reminded me of what I really wanted to write in my essay. I think it was a good opportunity to clear and reorganize my essay.

The most significant character of pecha-kucha slides is the 20 second timer in each slides. By limiting the time in each slides, it enables one to organize the main points. 20 second sounds very long, but in reality it is very short. There were some times where I could not finish talking my script.

I thought it was good to perform the rehearsal. Standing and presenting in front of audience is very different from practicing alone. I became so nervous at the rehearsal but in the class I was able to do the presentation better. However, I thought that I should have practiced and prepared more. Next time I would like to do the rehearsal in front of audience and looking at their faces.

Other presentations in our class were wonderful! I would like to improve my presentation by absorbing good points of them!

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