
ARW Fall Term

My Fall Term went so quickly... it was such a short term. Though I was busy everyday and had many many many assignments (not only those of ARW but also those of RCA, other ELP classes and English lectured classes)Especially the reading comprehensions after the essay writing were tough. I wanted much time to discuss the content...BUT  I now overcome and dealt with all those burdens!

I am now very happy to finish writing my essay which was about bowing. From the beginning to the end of the writing period, I was nervous if I were able to finish it including reliable sources and concrete idea of my own. Since the essay was a long one and had also a long time to discuss it with my section mates and with Mark in tutorials, I updated my opinions and rewrote my essay many times. Besides opinion from others, 20*20 pecha-kucha presentation greatly helped me. Though the presentation itself was very tough and challenge, it really helped organizing what to convey in my essay!

Thank you very much for  all the classes and tutorials!
I enjoyed learning and speaking and also writing English in your class!
We had fun eating Pockies!

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hi Mako,

    Nice final ARW reflection! I am glad to hear that you enjoyed being able to focus on one essay and revise it many times to make it better. Your topic of bowing is an excellent intercultural understanding topic.

    Thanks for your feedback on the 20x20, too. I'm glad that it helped you focus and organize your ideas.

    On this blog, you have written thoughtful summaries and reactions on all of the readings and left a record of the step by step process of your essay as well. Nice work!

    Nice Pocky and Mark photo.

    It was a busy term, but I hope you were able to learn many things from Autumn ARW to take forward to your future!

    I hope you will continue to blog like this and record your reactions to what you learn day to day!

